Accompaniment for artists

Find tools to better live your artistic vocation.

Reason for an accompaniment

At PASOATRES, as is already done in sport and other professional areas of companies and institutions, we are committed to integrating this psychological perspective into the training and professional work of any artistic activity, particularly in the performing arts.

We understand that this work on the person is necessary to profoundly improve their artistic and vital capacity, and much more, adapted by trained people who know from the inside such a particular way of life, by integrating innumerable knowledge and tools in the area of self-knowledge, already proven, that exist today.

A view that we are committed to in the present and that will be necessary for future generations.

What is Gestalt approach?

The Gestalt approach, also called by its creator, Fritz Pearls, Gestalt Therapy, is a humanistic approach to the development of the person.

The technique to staying in the present, in “the here and now”.

Instead of focusing on things that have already happened or worrying about the future, Gestalt invites you to connect with the present and share how you feel right now.

What is your goal?

The goal is to provide you tools to support yourself and set you free, take responsibility, and cope with the conflicts in life: worries, stress, anguish, lack of sleep, personal and professional strife… in short, the pressures we bear.

Desarrollo artístico. PASOATRES. Desarrolla tu persona para desarrollar tu arte

Find tools to better live your artistic vocation.

Reason for an accompaniment

At PASOATRES, as is already done in sport and other professional areas of companies and institutions, we are committed to integrating this psychological perspective into the training and professional work of any artistic activity, particularly in the performing arts.

We understand that this work on the person is necessary to profoundly improve their artistic and vital capacity, and much more, adapted by trained people who know from the inside such a particular way of life, by integrating innumerable knowledge and tools in the area of self-knowledge, already proven, that exist today.

A view that we are committed to in the present and that will be necessary for future generations.

What is Gestalt approach?

The Gestalt approach, also called by its creator, Fritz Pearls, Gestalt Therapy, is a humanistic approach to the development of the person.

The technique to staying in the present, in “the here and now”.

Instead of focusing on things that have already happened or worrying about the future, Gestalt invites you to connect with the present and share how you feel right now.

What is your goal?

The goal is to provide you tools to support yourself and set you free, take responsibility, and cope with the conflicts in life: worries, stress, anguish, lack of sleep, personal and professional strife… in short, the pressures we bear.

Suggestions to make your person and your art grow.

“Understand yourself”
(Inscription at the entrance of the temple of Apollo. Oracle of Delphi. 4th Century BC.)

The Gestalt approach is implicitly considered a philosophy of life.

Accept yourself the way you are instead of beating yourself up. Be more empathic with your own path and yourself.

An invitation to explore the way you are with curiosity, your underlying beliefs, your ability to self-critique and the information revealed while getting to know yourself better.

At PASOATRES, through the Gestalt approach, we help you to better live your vocation.

Suggestions to make your person and your art grow.

“Understand yourself”
(Inscription at the entrance of the temple of Apollo. Oracle of Delphi. 4th Century BC.)

The Gestalt approach is implicitly considered a philosophy of life.

Accept yourself the way you are instead of beating yourself up. Be more empathic with your own path and yourself.

An invitation to explore the way you are with curiosity, your underlying beliefs, your ability to self-critique and the information revealed while getting to know yourself better.

At PASOATRES, through the Gestalt approach, we help you to better live your vocation.


The link between the artistic and the Gestalt approach

Fritz Pearls, the father of Gestalt therapy.

Pearls believed that by focusing on the past and avoiding the immediacy of living in the present, people “live in their heads” rather than “living in the world.”

PASOATRES. Danza, Teatro y Crecimiento Personal

 Experiencing the present.

Gestalt focuses on experiencing the present in three areas of consciousness: intellectual, emotional and the body. It encourages you to deal with your conflicts to better understand and find yourself.

PASOATRES. Danza, Teatro y Crecimiento Personal

Organismic self-regulation.

Any living organism is capable of self-regulation. It is what defines life.

Humanist psychology seeks to reconcile you with your own knowledge. To meet your inner sage, which is actually you. 

You already have a deep knowledge of how to live. All you need is to contact internally with yourself to find your own path to wisdom.

PASOATRES. Danza, Teatro y Crecimiento Personal

Drama influence.

Fritz Pearls began playing drama before becoming a therapist and worked as an actor in the Berlin company of the legendary German director Max Reinhardt. Hence, the development of his methodology was greatly influenced by that experience.

PASOATRES. Danza, Teatro y Crecimiento Personal

Art as personal expression

Also for this reason, Pearls was interested in directing actors and working with dancers using art as an expression of the person, encouraging artists to deal with their emotions and feelings through movement and performance. His experience with actors and dancers allowed him to establish a link between art and Gestalt therapy.

His way of doing therapy was seen by many as a form of drama.

PASOATRES. Danza, Teatro y Crecimiento Personal