Gestalt for artists.

Individual therapy to artistic vocational and vital problems.
PASOATRES. Danza, Teatro y Crecimiento Personal
PASOATRES. Danza, Teatro y Crecimiento Personal

Pursue an artistic vocation

From my life experience and career in the arts, as a dancer and actor, I know what it is like to pursue an artistic vocation, often in uncertainty and outside your safety zone.

Even when you are successful, the demands of our way of life determines and restricts our ability to find solutions to creative and life challenges.

Why Gestalt for artists?

Because certain beliefs, values, blocks and behaviours intrinsic to artist vocations and performance artistic may be difficult to understand in many other therapeutic processes.

I have seen the scope and dimension that this situation has had in my own process first hand.

PASOATRES. Danza, Teatro y Crecimiento Personal

Pursue an artistic vocation

From my life experience and career in the arts, as a dancer and actor, I know what it is like to pursue an artistic vocation, often in uncertainty and outside your safety zone.

Even when you are successful, the demands of our way of life determines and restricts our ability to find solutions to creative and life challenges.

Why Gestalt for artists?

Because certain beliefs, values, blocks and behaviours intrinsic to artist vocations and performance artistic may be difficult to understand in many other therapeutic processes.

I have seen the scope and dimension that this situation has had in my own process first hand.

A safe place for you

You will find a safe place you can trust and confidentiality from which to look, from other angles, at the implications of pursuing your vocation and facing what you do, think, and feel more comprehensively and responsibly.

PASOATRES. Danza, Teatro y Crecimiento Personal
PASOATRES. Danza, Teatro y Crecimiento Personal

A safe place for you

You will find a safe place you can trust and confidentiality from which to look, from other angles, at the implications of pursuing your vocation and facing what you do, think, and feel more comprehensively and responsibly.

How does Gestalt work?

Above all, Gestalt believes that the quality of the therapist’s encounter with the client is what allows the repair process to begin. The basic principle is “realising” or “acknowledging”: waking up and revealing what was previously invisible of our life and the way we function. And it is, from this inner listening where, little by little like peeling back layers, a guide, through your own process of realising can help you with yours.

How long does the process take?

The length of the process varies. It depends on your degree of involvement in your own growth. As we progress, together we will evaluate the need to continue or complete the process based on your skills, conflicts, and desire for transformation.

How to get started?

I invite you to share a first conversation without commitment to meet us and see how I can help you . This session serves to assess your situation according to your circumstances. Neither time nor money will be an obstacle to helping you.


What artists say

I really need for my well-being

”Gestalt for artists with Carlos has enabled me to get closer to the truth of the moment on stage and, above all, not to punish myself or demand so much of myself during the process and before the premiere, which is very liberating.

It is a loving and nurturing therapy in which I find my essential being, to connect with my heart with respect and love for myself, being able to recognise habits, beliefs, toxic cultural ideas and discover and be aware of I really need for my well-being, peace, and tranquillity.”

Naike Ponce

Flamenco singer and dancer

Accepting myself has been very liberating
“ I was brought up in an environment where art was neither present nor valued and was even despised. I didn't dare say I was an artist, I was embarrassed, and I felt very blocked.

I am grateful to Carlos for sharing his vision and philosophy of art with me.
Accepting myself has been very liberating. Now I am trying to change the way I work, my expectations and purpose, and to allow time for myself.

I understand that art is not just a business, it is more than that and I find it magical.
You are lucky when your therapist is an artist.”

Fani Konstantinou

Film and advertising director. Writer and photographer

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