What artists risk when going on stage

It depends on the degree of exposure and commitment that he logically wants to have. But how far can he go? The answer is subjective, like art, but an artist committed to art can put at risk all his internal heritage, that is, her most intimate and personal matters, in addition to putting his own support capacity, or his own life. in Game. Up to that point an artist can risk.

So that this risk cannot destroy her own physical and mental health, it is important to be prepared.

It all depends, in addition to the effort and sacrifice involved in handling the technique, on how far one wants to expose.

There are artistic professions that exhibit their work without the creator being present. Such as painting, sculpture or literature. Although of course they are exposed, it is a different type of exhibition.

In other arts, such as dance, theater, and music, stage calls require the artist to put himself in front of the public to create. This involves a very high degree of exposure to judgment. To receive criticism directly.

All artists suffer from criticism or external demands of the public and often much more even, internal, self-criticism. In any case, it can be devastating for many.

In other arts, such as dance, theater, and music, stage calls require the artist to stand in front of the public to create. This involves a very high degree of exposure to judgment. To receive criticism directly.

Lo que arriesgan los artistas al salir al escenario. PASOATRES

You have to be worth it for it of course. And they are the ones who make us enjoy dancing at a concert, or thinking with a good play. What would our lives be if they weren’t there.

The result of so much effort has many ways. For whatever circumstances, the stage and an audience drive the need to have a place to be seen. Of being loved and recognized. To receive the applause.

For whatever circumstances, the stage and an audience drive the need to have a place to be seen. Of being loved and recognized. To receive the applause.

The greater the lack of what we seek, the greater the impulse to fill that inner void. And you have to be willing to do anything to fill it. Even sacrificing health. Even losing their lives early, like cases of great artists that we all know.

Art gives you life and also takes it away.

Although I like the easy, it is always the most difficult.

Going on stage is scary.

So if you are interested in delving into your art, it is important to have resources and be prepared.

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