What dancers consider of the work of a revolutionary choreographer

In Search of Dance: The Different Theater by Pina Bausch.

Below we share excerpts from the 1991 documentary on the work of this great innovative genius of dance.

Her words seem highly relevant to us in Pasoatres since she, from a certain point in her career as a choreographer, always put before the conventional aesthetic sense of dance, a more human gaze, interested in expressing in an ethical sense, the contradictions of the interior of our condition as human beings. Therein lies for us the greatness of her work.

Pina Bausch (PB): “In dance it is very difficult to do it well. The difficult thing is not dancing, but what happens when you dance. What is currently done, or what can be done in this sector (with respect to it) , that’s what I find very difficult. I have not discovered what is right. Nor have I seen it anywhere. ”

In dance it is very difficult to do well. The difficult thing is not dancing, but what happens when you dance.

The repulsion felt at the falsehood of that artificial language that is (conventional) dance, has made the choreographer renounce to transmit her messages through it.

Pina Bausch. Lo que consideran los bailarines del trabajo de una coreógrafa revolucionaria

Film about the piece created in 1982.

Classic attitudes and positions, as in this one of “Walzer”, they are presented to us in any case in the form of quotes brimming with irony.

His theater, extremely subjective and anecdotal, has the quality of its interpreters. Who brings all their personality, their ideas, their experiences, nostalgia and weaknesses.


Does Pina Bausch find dancers willing to give up their great skills in practice? Instead, to represent their intimacy on stage?

PB: “The problem is rather that to those who already have their experience as dancers, this type of work (the one that Pina Bausch does) seems perhaps more important.

Whereas those who are starting out would naturally like to do many things. And also, of course, everything they have learned during their studies or elsewhere. Pirouettes, jumps, etc.

On the other hand, I have choreographies in which they are not used or shown (the dancers) in the conventional way.

Young dancers may need something like this first, before moving on to other things they consider important. ”


How does Pina Bausch create?

I search from the inside out (just like she says).

PB: “[…] It is as if someone were dealing with a certain topic. As if they were searching or elaborating again many of its parts and particles.

Because of this and other things that happen then, new possibilities open up again. Other questions arise. So to begin with, you already have a certain collection of materials.

And all this is closely related to a certain topic. Which therefore has many branches.

Then one begins to work with this material. That has so many little pieces. Putting them together, trying to create something small, which is in turn related to other things. ”

I’m just starting out, said Pina Bausch shortly after turning 50 (years). ”

Pina Bausch documentary (1991) In Search of Dance: “The different theater of Pina Bausch”

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